please note! Develop & scan turn around times are 7 to 10 working days for all orders.
We use a Noritsu S-2 for scanning up to 4000x6000 resolution scans.
For higher resolution film scans, we use an Imacon Flextight scanner.
For prints and flat art we use an Epson V700.
We DO NOT SCAN 110, 126 or 127 size films.
UNCUT 35mm & 120/220 FILM or SCAN w/ processing
does not include film processing cost
all files saved in jpeg format (tif files $1.00 additional per roll)
ask about our web uploading service
ask about super high res scanning
scanned to CD unless otherwise requested
medium res (1000x1500) – $6.00 ea
high res (2000x3000) – $8.50 ea; $12.00 for 220
SCANNING Cut negative strips
35mm & 120/220(medium format) scans only
$6.00 set-up fee per order
single-cut negatives are $0.50 extra each
medium res (1000x1500) – $1.00 per image
high res (2000x3000) – $2.00 per image
ultra high res (4000x6000) – $5.00 per image
we cannot scan mounted 120 slides and glass-mounted 35mm slides
if you want them scanned, we can dismount them
$6.00 set-up fee per order
medium res (1000x1500) – $1.00 per slide
high res (2000x3000) – $2.00 per slide
ultra high res (4000x6000) – $5.00 per slide
we can scan up to 8x10 large format negatives
FLAT-aRT SCANS (printed photos, etc.)
large pieces will be scanned in sections and charged per scan.
under 8.5x11 – $10.00 per scan
over 8.5x11 – $12.00 per scan